

abnominal (ab nom uh nul) - abnormal (episode 441122)

Abrahams Lincolns
Abrahams Lincolns - Abraham Lincoln (episode 431028)

accassessory (ak uh sess' ur ee) - accessory (episode 440601)

access (ak' sess) - accessory (to a crime) (episode 350221)

accomplishment (uh kom plish mint') - accomplice (episode 350715)

ackativty (ak a tiv' i tee) - activity (numerous episodes)

acredit (uh cred' it)  - credit (350312)

acrost (uh crost') - across (episode 450412)

actshul (ak' shul) - actual (numerous episodes) [note: can also mean, "actually" (see 430615)]

adahesive (ad uh heez' iv) - adhesive (episode 430706)

adavisor (ad  uh vize' ur) - advisor (episode 441228)

addacavo (ad uh cov oh) - avacado (episode 440110) [Also see avencados]

adult (ay' dult) - adult (numerous episodes)

afeared (a fear' duh) - afraid (numerous episodes)

aflation (uh flay shun) - inflation (episode 440113)

Africky (af ree' kee) - Africa (episode 430705)

again (uh gin') - against (numerous episodes)

agg (ag') - egg (verb) (episode 440608)

aggzample (ag zam pul') - example (episode 350122)

akeepin (uh keep' un)  - keeping (episode 30316)

Alasky (a lask' ee) - the NOW (not then) state of Alaska (episode 430602)

alaphalpha (ala fal' uh fuh) - alpha/"A"/#1 (episode 441122)

Alice Forefthought (al iz'  for' thot) - malice aforethought (law) (Abner said this, Lum corrected him) (episode 431214)

alien (ay lee un) - sick (compare to normal English, 'ailing') (episode 380608, 440614)

allengator (al' un gay tur) - alligator (episode 440522)

alphenbetical (al fin bet' ee cul) - in alphabetical order (episode 430921)

altitude (al tih tude') - attitude (episode 440131)

altory (al' tor ee) - alto, the lower female singing part (numerous episodes)

Americky - America (episode 350107)

anatiques (ann uh teeks') - antiques (episode 440325)

anchoves (ann' choves)  - anchovies (episode 350722)

anninversary (ann in verse' uh ree) - anniversary (episode 440531)

annualized (ann yule ize duh') - analysed (episode 440627)

antiquarium (an tee kwair' ee um) - museum (episode 440501)

apint (uh pint') - appoint (numerous episodes)

appendicitis (uh pen duh cite' uz) - appendix (body part) [see also appendusus) (episode 431015)

appendecitises (uh pen duh cite' uz suz) - appendecitis (episode 450418)

appendusus (uh pen' duh suz) - appendix (body part) [see also appendicitis)

appintment (uh pint' mint) - appointment (episode 440718)

applincation (app lin kay' shun) - application (episode 440614)

appreciations (uh pree she ay shunz')  - appreciation (episode 350524)

apurpose (uh pur' puz) - deliberately (episode 441026)

archikatecture (ar kik' uh tek ture) - architecture (episode 440612)

architect (ar chee' tek) - architect  (episode 440704)

argamint (arg a mint) - argument (numerous epsiodes)

are (arr') - is (numerous epsiodes)

Arizony - Arizona (episode 350722)

armail (ar' mail) - airmail (episode 440320)

arn (arn') - iron (episode 440711)

arphan (ar fan') - orphan (episode 450404)

arplane (ar' plane) - airplane (episode 440320)

arry (are ree') - arrow (episode 440312)

arsenic (ar' sun ik) - arson (numerous episodes)

artificial flavorings - hair tonic! (episode 440125)

arphon (ar' fun) - orphan (episode 431208)

arstrige (are' strij) - ostrich (episode 400228)

asabestos (az uh best' us) - asbestos (episode 450509)

Assistant Captain - the man right below a captain in rank (441005)

astronomimoniners - (ast ro nom' eh mon eh mon eh nurz) - astro_something? (episode 450507)

Atlases - "Charlie" Atlas [see Charlie Atlas] (episode 440928)

Atlast - (at last') Atlas (episode 380311)

atmosphere (at mos feer') hemisphere (episode 450320)

atmospheres (at moz feerz') - atmosphere (episode 441003)

attorneys-in-law (uh turn' eez en law) - attorneys-at-law (episode 431213)

artycull (art ee' cull) - article (numerous episodes)

audytor (aw' dee tor)  - auditor (someone who tells people they "ought to do this or they ought to do that" - Lum) (episode 350107)

auteebiograph (awt' ee by oh graf) - autobiography (episode 440904)

auteegraph (awt ee' graf) - autograph (episode 440125)

automatin (aw' tuh mate en) - automating (episode 450515)

avencados (av un cad' ohs) - avacados (episode 440518) [Also see addacados]

awettin (uh wet' un) - getting splashed with water (episode 350905)

ay (ay') - aye (usually, "aye aye") (episode 441005)

aydress (ay' dress) - address (episode 440320)

aynuff (ay' nuff) - enough (episode 440907)

azaggerate (uh' zaj ur ate)  - exaggerate [see also zaggerate] (episode 350327)

azzme (az' mee) - asthme (episode 350225)